Gardening: A healthy hobby

Spending time around nature gives us a sense of relaxation and serenity...
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Travel tips for trekking to HARISHCHANDRAGAD - Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Harishchandragad trek is one of the most challenging and mesmerizing treks in the western ghats of Maharashtra...
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Cryptocurrency - A short overview

Cryptocurrency is digital money in which there is no involvement of intermediates...
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This phrase is something you must have come across often nowadays...
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Mental Health

Generally we think that it just refers to having a healthy mind. But, it’s more than...
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Kindness: Tenth step towards self growth

With the history that dates back to the times of the scholars of ancient Greek, the Golden Rule that tells you to treat others just as ...
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Type of Jealousy: Ninth step towards self growth

Jealousy is a perplexing emotion that includes feelings varying from fear of abandonment to animosity and humiliation. Anthropologists state...
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Strategies for controlling your anger

Uncontrolled anger can be problematic for your personal relationships and for your health. Fortunately, there are tools you can learn.
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The History of The Web

It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web (www) project and was made by Tim Berners-Lee
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Introduction to Fintech

Now that we know about fintech, let's learn about its applications. Continue Reading

Cyber Security : Business Email Compromise

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Cyber Security : Drive-by Attack

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Introduction to Fintech

The term fintech refers to the synergy between finance and technology, which is used to enhance business operations and delivery of financial services. Continue Reading

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Cross Platform, Android iOS application design and development language. One of the quickest technology
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Positive Thoughts: First step towards self-growth

Are you a glass half-empty or half-full sort of person? Studies have demonstrated that both can impact your physical and mental health.
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World Envoirment Day

World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ), Pride Month

The richness, beauty and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty and vulnerability.
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World Bicycle Day

The day is observed to draw people’s attention towards the importance and benefits of riding a bicycle
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Gold Mutual Funds: Advantages

Gold Mutual Funds are ideal for people who want to play safe in the world of financial market, and finance... Continue Reading


Blockchain technology is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, which consist of several databases, known as the “chain”... Continue Reading

Why is drinking water so important?

Good hydration has been linked with reduced risk of a host of issues
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Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework to Use in 2021?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework available free of cost designed for the development of Web Application which follows MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It comes with features such as a modular packaging system... Continue Reading

Cyber Security : DOS Attack

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Cyber Security : DNS Spoofing

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading


“Fitness is defined as the quality or state of being fit and healthy. Around 1950........” Continue Reading

Why Should Invest in Mobile App Development in 2021?

There’s an app to complement most domains of our lives, and in May alone there were 88,500 new Android apps. With all this competition, is it too late for your business to get a share of the app market... Continue Reading

Gold Mutual Funds: Introduction and Purpose

Gold funds are a type of mutual funds that directly or indirectly invest in gold reserves... Continue Reading

Cyber Security : Session Hijacking

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Cyber Security : Phishing

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Introduction to Codeigniter

“Codeigniter is a PHP MVC Framework . Now let’s understand PHP MVC Framework by letter........” Continue Reading

The real hero “NIKITA KAUL”

Nikita Kaul Dhoundiyal, wife of major vibhuti dhoundiyal who made supreme sacrifice in pulwama
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Google Ads : Part 3

You may know about the interface….But do you know how to make optimum use of Google Ads? Let’s learn then! Continue Reading

Phobia (Fear)

Phobia is an irrational fear of a particular thing, Places or Object
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What is Web Design & Development

Web deisgn is a part where you need lots of patience, acceptance and motivation.
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People might get scared if they see a lizard on the wall near them, or if standing on a high ledge
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What is HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language,is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.
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Python is an interpreted high level programming language. Yeah, u already knew that, that's fine, but did u know what all features Continue Reading


While making your Bussiness Account try to keep your account name small, so that it is memorable. Also make a note to avoid using series of numbers. As it does not look professional. Continue Reading

Image Uplode Using Ajax

Today we will learn, image upload through Ajax and php as a backend language......... Continue Reading

Google Ads : Part 2

Since you're here, it means that you know at least a teeny bit of Google Ads, the advertising platform provided by Google... Continue Reading

Cyber Security : Cryptojacking

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Cyber Attacks : Malware Attack

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Types of Hackers

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading


Three.js is an open source JavaScript library that is used to display the graphics Continue Reading


Well, lot of people start their account with great enthusiasm but as the period go by they lose interest because of less number of people engaging on their account. Continue Reading

Google Ads : Part 1

Google, one of the best search engines in the world, which is used by millions of people around the world Continue Reading

SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate that provides authentication Continue Reading

Cyber Attacks : Trojan Horse

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading


Blockchain is supporting efforts around the globe to battle the virus... Continue Reading

PHP 8 - new features: part 2

Let’s go ahead and check out fresh new expressions and return types in PHP 8... Continue Reading

PHP 8 - new features: part 1

Loaded with new features, performance improvements and breaking changes, all new PHP 8 is a major version that was released on November 26, 2020. Let’s start with all the new features which are very handy... Continue Reading

Postman App for Backend developers

Let's learn how to work with GET and POST requests using Postman App. Continue Reading

Postman App for API developers

Postman is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs. Continue Reading

More Options of printing errors other than console.log in Javascript

Most of us have used console.log() to print values in the browser. console.log() is just one method of console object. There are several other methods that are very useful. By using console.log() you can print values of the variables which you have used in your code. Continue Reading

What is management?

Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Continue Reading

Why domain name and hosting is needed?

We all must have seen Godaddy, Hostgator or Hosting ads in our lives on youtube, instagram or google(Chrome) itself. Continue Reading

Cyber Attacks : Botnet

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

App Development Company in Mumbai

We will see how app development companies work and what are the Profits and Losses of having an App Development company in mumbai. Continue Reading

PHP Keywords

PHP has a set of keywords that are reserved words which cannot be used as function names, class names or method names...... Continue Reading

10 Quick Ways To generate content ideas in 2021 | Hamiters Blog

When you are trying to come up with quick ways to generate content ideas, you need to be careful about what you decide to use. ..... Continue Reading

PHP isset

The isset() function checks whether a variable is set, which means that it has to be declared and is not NULL. ..... Continue Reading

App Development In Mumbai

As we discuss how IT companies suffer in Mumbai ..... Continue Reading

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Part 2

SEO is often done for achieving a #1 ranking in search results... Continue Reading

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Part 3

Meta description gives a brief description about your site in the Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs)... Continue Reading

Instagram Marketing Part 3

Instagram Marketing is now a global platform that allows brands ... Continue Reading

Cyber Attacks : SQL Injection

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Instagram Marketing Part 2

Instagram Marketing is now a global platform that allows brands ... Continue Reading

IT Companies in mumbai [Part-2]

As discussed in the previous part[Part-1 ], IT Companies in Mumbai are getting closed sooner, let's understand why this happened. Continue Reading

Instagram Marketing Part 1

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has become very popular. Continue Reading

IT Companies in mumbai [Part-1]

Hey we all know how big mumbai is and how huge its image for business and jobs Continue Reading


Dance has been a part of human history since the earliest records of human life. Continue Reading


“Sports , as we listen to this word we feel energetic , enthusiastic , excited and many more...... ” Continue Reading

Cyber Attacks

“Don't be a victim of the next Cyber Attack...!!!” Continue Reading

Graduation With Internship vs Graduation Without Internship

One of the best ways for students to learn more about their goals and future careers is by Continue Reading

Online Lectures Vs Traditional Method Lectures

Traditional method lectures are offline education and are the location of the learning process. Continue Reading

Disadvantages regarding online lectures

“Do you really think online lectures have benefits in all the ways?” Continue Reading

Is Google My Business Free?

Understand how google works and setting up google business works Continue Reading

What Are the Benefits of Google My Business

Understand how google works and setting up google business works Continue Reading

Guide to Google My Business & Setup for 2020

Understand how google works and setting up google business works Continue Reading

jQuery Selectors by Hamiters 2020

jQuery Selector

jQuery is a JavaScript library and this write less and get more system.It makes thing like HTML and cssContinue Reading


CKEditor is an online rich text editor that can be embedded inside web pages. It is a WYSIWYG.. Continue Reading

Control structures in PHP

There are three kind of control structure in any programming lanuage.... Continue Reading

Taks Management 2020

HTML Table

Html tables allow you to arrange data like text, images etc in rows and columns.HTML table define with the “table” tag. Each table has row and its define by “tr” tag.Continue Reading

LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing is the use if the LinkedIn platform to promote a business, a brand, a product or Continue Reading

Taks Management 2020

Task Management and Tips for Task Management

Having lot of work? Me too, follow some tips on task management and let us know if it improves your tasks Continue Reading

Web Development for Beginners

You can build websites and apps using web development tools. Continue Reading

Augmented reality (AR) & Virtual reality (VR)

Augmented reality and virtual reality are inverse reflections of one another, with both these technologies we can accomplish andContinue Reading