Blockchain is supporting efforts around the globe to battle the virus...

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed a general lack of connectivity and data exchange built into our global supply chains. Future resiliency will depend on building transparent, inter-operable and connective networks. If there were any lingering doubts over the value of blockchain platforms to improve the transparency of businesses that depend on the seamless integration of disparate networks, COVID-19 has all but wiped them away. We should look at this healthcare crisis as a vital learning curve that can show us how to build transparent, inter-operable and connective networks.

Blockchain is supporting efforts around the globe to battle the virus as explained in the following list:

  • Tracking Infectious Disease Outbreaks
  • Blockchain can be used for tracking public health data surveillance, particularly for infectious disease outbreaks such as COVID-19. With increased blockchain transparency, it will result in more accurate reporting and efficient responses. Blockchain can help develop treatments swiftly as they would allow for rapid processing of data, thus enabling early detection of symptoms before they spread to the level of epidemics. Additionally, this will enable governmentagencies to keep track of the virus activity, of patients, suspected new cases, and more.

  • Donations Tracking
  • With the help of blockchain capabilities, donors can see where funds are most urgently required and can track their donations until they are provided with a verification that their contributions have been received to the victims. Blockchain would enable transparency for the general public to understand how their donations have been used and its progress.

  • Crisis Management
  • Blockchain could also manage crisis situations. It could instantly alert the public about the Coronavirus by global institutes like the World Health Organization (WHO) using smart contracts concept. Not only it can alert, but Blockchain could also enable governments to provide recommendations about how to contain the virus. It could offer a secure platform where all the concerned authorities such as governments, medical professionals, media, health organizations, media, and others can update each other about the situation and prevent it from worsening further without censorship.

  • Securing Medical Supply Chains
  • Blockchain has already proven its success stories as a supply chain management tool in various industries; similarly, Blockchain could also be beneficial in tracking and tracing medical supply chains. Blockchain-based platforms can be useful in reviewing, recording, and tracking of demand, supplies, and logistics of epidemic prevention materials. As supply chains involve multiple parties, the entire process of record and verification is tamper-proof by every party, while also allowing anyone to track the process.

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