Trojan Horse :

A Trojan Horse is that malicious code which downloads in your system when you are trying to get a cracked version of any software. A Trojan is a malicious software program that misrepresents itself to appear useful. They spread by looking like routine software and convenience for victims to install. Trojans are considered among the most dangerous types of all malwares, as they are often designed to steal financial information.

The name “Trojan Horse” given to the attack on the basis of the history event “Trojan War”, where the wooden horse was used by the Greeks as guerrilla tactics against Troy to win the war. Like this history event, trojan Horse attacks similarly on our computer systems. This malicious virus gets downloaded in our system with some softwares, and enters our files to kill files, infect computers and steal important information and slow down the system.

Types of Trojan Horse :

  • Remotely Accessed Trojans
  • Data Sending Trojans
  • Destructive Trojans
  • Proxy Trojans
  • Security Software Trojans

How to avoid Trojan Horse Attack :

  • Update softwares in a timely manner.
  • Avoid cracked version of softwares.
  • Use latest version of windows.
  • Update antivirus,firewalls.
  • If a Trojan Horse virus is installed in your system then remove them from Safe Mode.
  • Avoid autorun of inserted a Pen drive or a hard disk to your computer.


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