Why Should Invest in Mobile App Development in 2021

Why Should Invest in Mobile App Development in 2021?

There’s an app to complement most domains of our lives, and in May alone there were 88,500 new Android apps. With all this competition, is it too late for your business to get a share of the app market? We don’t think so. Here are just a few key reasons why apps are a great investment in 2021.
In the past, having a company website was enough to approach the broader market. Today, you must be observing a huge increase in the variety and types of business apps being downloaded, with more consumers turning to mobile apps to cooperate with brands. Gone are those days when having a company site was enough to run your brand.
These are not clear words. You can take a glance at the statistics that helps you know why it has become necessary to develop web applications:

  • According to the survey, 90% of the mobile time is spent on mobile apps and 10% on the rest of the internet, including websites.
  • A mobile app user spends 201.8 minutes per month on shopping apps, whereas a website user will spend 10.9 minutes/per month.
  • Users view 4.2 times more products in a mobile app than the website. Hence, 3 times higher conversion rates are expected from the mobile apps and 1.5 times via desktop.
  • It is assumed that mobile apps are expected to make $700 billion in annual sales in 2020.

As all companies should take a personalized strategy based on their user base, we’ve also mentioned some ideas to support you in fully understanding whether a mobile app is best for your business.

Boost Engagement with Mobile Apps

Engagement relies on users receiving value for their time or money. Features like push notifications help to reignite your user’s interest in what you have to offer them. Informing them of sales, personalized discount codes based on earlier behavior, and new products or services gives the user the value they expect from an app, as well as a quick reminder that your business still exists for increased engagement!

Provide Additional Sense with Mobile Apps

Mobile apps allow for features and integrations that create a ‘one-stop shop’ for users. With an app installed on a user’s device, you can harness features, such as Siri (Apple) or Bixby (Samsung).

  • Location-based data can be used to provide specific recommendations or alerts based on your user’s current locations.
  • Voice assistants can load certain products or services from your app.
  • Calendars can be synced to provide prompts and alerts for related events.

Another benefit of a mobile app is the opportunity to personalize the user interface (UI) to reflect previous behavior. User data from previous sessions can inform product or service recommendations, content, and even design elements, like catering for left-handed users. By reviewing user behavior and preferences, you can build data profiles to tailor their in-app experiences, which in turn will provide a more valuable user experience.

Modernized Mobile App User Experience

Push notifications and native integrations are the tips of the iceberg when it comes to streamlining your user’s experience with your app. Biometric authentication (using fingerprint and facial recognition to authenticate actions), and mobile wallets make things more comfortable for users. This intuitive experience will mean your app won’t feel out of place or take ‘getting used to’ once it’s downloaded. It will have a ‘familiar’ feel to the user, improving conversion rates and the possibility of your app staying on their home screen.

Modernized Mobile App User Experience

Smart Device User Performance

Mobile apps work into smartphone user behavior. We’re not accustomed to adding bookmarks from sites to our home screen, but we’re used to downloading apps and immersing ourselves in a brand through its in-app experience. Apps give users the experience they expect.

Mobile App Considerations

Each business is different, so a one size fits all approach can rarely be taken. If your business doesn’t require in-app features or technologies like augmented reality, it may be beneficial to invest in a website before viewing mobile app development. Equally, building a PWA may be a better place to start to test a concept and gain user data before scaling to a mobile app.
If you have a website, consider how your app will provide a different experience to what users already receive from your site. Getting to grips with your business-specific positioning in the digital space should make your app investment decision easier.
To sum up these facts and stats, it is expected that website usage will shrink further as more and more e-commerce businesses move to web apps to reach out to wider market size. But before you get straight into the process of choosing a mobile app development company to create a web application, make sure you choose the best technologies and frameworks.

Need guidance with choosing the best solution for your business? Drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help. We’ve been working with businesses for the past 3 years, customizing digital solutions for users to increase business growth. Don’t forget to check out our other services and see how else we can support you.

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