Instagram Marketing Part 2- Hamiters

Instagram Marketing is now a global platform that allows brands to humanize their content, recruit new talent, showcase products, and inspire their audience. Here we will get known to some tricks and tips of instagram marketing that will leverage to ace the game.

4. Analytics - Target your audience

Here is the real business starts. For analytics you need a business account on instagram. The first is Reach. Reach is not exactly means how many people has engaged with your Instagram post but reach is how many people has stumbled on your Instagram post. It can be how may like or shared your post. Go to the insights and check out the shares of your posts.

I personally recommend to be concern about shares rather than likes because when someone shares my post, he is sharing my Instagram post who doesn’t follow me, opening new opportunities for me and drive new potential customers.

The major factor here is the timing you are posting. What day and time you are posting. In insight potion you will get Audience tab where you can see a graph showing which day and time you have most active users.

5. Followers – How to know your Real followers

Here we will see how to increase your followers organically. We don’t want to target any random account which don’t come under your business criteria and turns into ghost followers, and no one likes ghost followers.

So how to find your target audience, Firstly start with the similar brands big accounts of your same niche. Just search for similar keywords and you will get the similar accounts. Go to a random account and see the Instagram post. You will get the people who liked the post or commented on post. Target the most recent comments such that 10 in ago, 20 min ago cause you know they are the most active users.

You can like there comment or just go to their page and like there post or leave a genuine comment on their photo.

Another great option is location tag. You can find your audience based on location. Search for the location you want to target and instagram will give you the recent and most likes INstagram post tagged with that location.

Another common practice is going with the Hashtags. Remember, never go with the bigger hashtags if you have a small start as instagram is flooded with the millions of famous hashtags. Always go with the pairs of keyword like #handmadepottery etc.

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