IT Companies in mumbai Part 2

IT Companies in mumbai

As discussed in the previous part [Part-1], IT Companies in Mumbai are getting closed sooner, let's understand why this happened.

There are 2 marks to this industry one is internations and one is Domestic International market is owned by well known companies and branded companies which we do never aim as small It startup in mumbai, what do we aim? We aim domestic clients having projects such as portfolio, blogs, dynamic school landing pages etc, problem with domestic projects are that they do not bring in entire details in the beginning, where as if you get an international project you can use Waterfall process, which is very cheap compared to agile,

So, How can we become the Best Website Designing company in mumbai or Best Website Development Company in mumbai?

It not that difficult, we just need to focus on one part of service such as Website Designing or Website Development if you and your team is interested into App Development then focus on it, when you start a company you will get projects from various part of this industry such as SEO, SMM these are about marketing and reaches, in detailed terms Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing, it needs less time but diverts your goal from becoming a Company.

When you start in mumbai it is IT STartup in Mumbai, but when you get stable projects and regular inquiries then you hire people and register as COmpany.SO what we understood today is even if you get projects for LOgo designing or Pamphlet designing, Don’t do it.

Why? A company is known for its service, you need to decide your core services, if you will do everything then what about other IT companies in mumbai?

Lets assume you are on the dark side now, you don’t get projects. When you find a reason behind it, there will be some company doing everything.

I am not against companies providing multiple services but startup who are fresh in the business does everything in cheap and provides No Quality at all, and when a client moves to some other provider he sticks to that cost but needs good quality, maximum time client be like “ Wo log to itne me karke de rahe hai, app kyu inta maang rahe ho?”[They are doing it in so less, why are you charging us more], and at that point of time you need to get in loss, and complete the task because some startup has tried comparing itself with huge companies but never asked for cost on the basis of Quality.

In next part lets see how App development companies in mumbai are working, what are constraints and resources you need to start with app development company in mumbai.

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We are known for Website Development and Website Designing, along with Android iOS application development in Mumbai, India. Please write us what you think, we would like to hear it from you